Cutting the ribbon at the ReStore

Earlier this month the new Oban Re-Store community charity shop had an official opening. ALIenergy is delighted to be part of the amazing collective of organisations involved in the shop.

The opening was attended by shop volunteers, service users and partner organisations who have supported the project and made it happen. During the event it was also revealed that just over £65K in funding had been secured from the Scottish Power Foundation. This funding will support the work in the Re_Store for this coming year, enabling the plans for repair workshops and rescued food hub.  

The shop has a huge selection of clothing, shoes, books, household items and childrens’ toys, all very cleverly shelved and housed amongst some old repurposed pianos.

A suggestion box is available in the shop for ideas about using the space, potential workshops or other activities that could be held there. The whole collective team expressed their gratitude to everyone who has visited and supported the shop so far. 

The shop is now open Monday - Thursday, 10am to 4pm.

Check out social media for up and coming events in the store.