Affordable Warmth Service

Every house in the west and north of Scotland is different in all aspects, from age and type of heating, age and type of building, glazing, location, the number and ability of occupants as well as the availability of fuel. That’s why advice from an ALIenergy advisor is tailored to you, your home and your needs.

Energy Advice Sessions

Every Our Affordable Warmth Advisors can provide energy advice sessions over the telephone or in your own home. We have advisors covering all of Argyll & Bute and Highland, so you will be assigned to the advisor covering your area and they will contact you to arrange a mutually suitable time to call or visit. 

Information gathered during an advice session

During your ALIenergy advice session the advisor may ask questions about you, your family and your home. This will enable the advisor to gain an overall perspective of your situation to ensure that the help and support delivered is tailored to your needs. All information is treated with respect and confidentiality. Your advisor may ask for meter readings to keep track of how much energy you are using.

To provide the best advice your advisor may need to see evidence of your benefit entitlement such as your award letters or bank statements. Copies of these documents are usually required if applying for funding or a grant. 

Follow on support

It is very likely that your advisor will need to keep in touch with you after your initial session. We understand life can be hectic and priorities can change so if you are unable to follow through with any advice our advisors will happily speak to you again to go over things in more detail or offer more support to you if needed.

Feedback and Monitoring

The Affordable Warmth Advisors are grant funded and a requirement for receiving this funding is to show evidence of their work. We would really appreciate it if you could assist with our feedback and monitoring protocol. Your advisor may ask you simple questions to help determine the impact they have made. 

Workshops and Talks

Our Affordable Warmth Advisors know the importance of reaching people in need, this is why we work with health professionals and community groups who are most likely to be in contact with people who require our help. We offer FREE workshops and talks tailored to the group's time, experience and needs. Our workshops and talks give a brief overview of how fuel poverty affects people, how to spot someone living in fuel poverty, basic advice to give and know when to refer to an advisor for specialist in-depth advice.                                 

Other help:

The Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan

Warmer Homes Scotland

Argyll and Bute Council's EES:ABS

Highland Council's EES:ABS

For more information on the range of services that we provide, please contact us on 01631 565183, email or complete our online contact form.