Our Awards
ALIenergy is focused on delivering outstanding project outcomes which promote and develop sustainable energy use across the Argyll and Bute region, and through its involvement in regional and national partner organisations. ALIenergy staff and board members are proud to have been named winners of a number of industry awards which recognise the contributions made to a range of project activity areas, including promoting energy generation solutions in the local community, building skills and capacity and providing practical face-to-face advice and support for warmer, drier homes.
Assist FM Awards (2023)
Winner of the Community Focus Award, sponsored by McCain Foods: Argyll and Bute Council
The Flexible Food and Fuel Fund project was winner of the Community Focus category at the ASSIST FM Conference and Awards (2023) held in Glasgow. The awards are part of a two day conference, attended by local council delegates, guests, speakers and suppliers, providing an opportunity to reflect upon the incredible achievements of Local Authority service providers in Scotland.
ALIenergy is delighted to be part of the continued collaboration with Bute Advice Centre and Argyll and Bute Council and extremely pleased to have the success of the project recognised with this latest award.

IRRV (Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation) Annual Performance Awards 2021
Highly Commended for Excellence in Innovation (Service Delivery) category
Argyll and Bute Council in partnership with Bute Advice Centre, ALIenergy and the Community Food Forum’s Argyll and Bute Flexible Food Fund project was highly commended at The IRRV Performance Awards 2021 in the category Excellence in Innovation (Service Delivery).

Energy Efficiency Awards (2019)
Highly Commended for Vulnerable Customer Support
Previously known as the Green Deal & ECO Awards, the Energy Efficiency Awards were set up in 2014 to help motivate the energy efficiency sector in their delivery of the Green Deal Finance Initiative and Energy Company Obligation Scheme. The aim of the awards is to provide public recognition for the excellent work being undertaken within the sector to implement these, and other energy efficiency schemes. They help establish and encourage best practice among energy-related industries as they work to improve UK housing stock, and tackle energy issues facing householders.
June 2019 saw ALIenergy's Affordable Warmth team being highly commended for its work under the Vulnerable Customer Support Campaigner award category.

HIE Renewable Energy Awards (2019)
Winner of the Best Smart Energy/Carbon Reduction Project
The inaugural Highlands and Islands Renewable Energy Awards in April 2019 showcased the achievements of a wide range of organisations and initiatives that are ongoing throughout the region. The awards recognise and reward the contribution that energy and energy-related sectors make to the Highland and Islands economy and the communities and businesses which are at its core.
ALIenergy was delighted to attend the ceremony and be named as winners of the Best Smart Energy/Carbon Reduction Project Award in recognition for the continued development of work under its ENBIO partnership scheme with Xanthella Ltd. and Ardnamurchan Estates.

Helping It Happen Awards (2019)
Finalist in the Iver Salvesen Green Business Award at Helping It Happen
The national Helping It Happen Awards recognise the role of estates, farms and rural businesses in enabling and supporting success in rural areas helping rural Scotland thrive. ALIenergy's nomination as a finalist for the The Iver Salvesen Green Business Award was in recognition of the Energy and the Bioeconomy (ENBIO) project - Empowering Rural Industry

VIBES - Scottish Environment Business Awards
Winner of the Innovation category
The VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards celebrate business leadership in sustainable environmental investment and are an excellent opportunity to recognise and reward companies for going beyond ‘business as usual’ and driving sustainable growth through innovation.
The Innovation award was given for the ASLEE – ENBIO projects, which are partnership projects conceived by Xanthella Ltd and ALIenergy to create community resilience, income generation and employment in rural Scotland.

Scottish Resources Award (2018)
Winner of the Innovation Award
The Scottish Resources Awards recognise achievements and best practice within the waste and recycling sectors in Scotland. Success at these awards highlights the work of organisations and individuals as Scotland strives for a zero waste society.
Winning the Innovation Award in October 2018 was recognition of ALIenergy's innovative approach to working in partnership to boost the local economy and overcome grid constraints. The Energy and the Bioeconomy (ENBIO) project combines renewable energy and algal manufacturing in a unique and novel collaboration with the development of photobioreactors (PBRs) that use innovative and scalable LED technology to produce microalgae. The outcome is a smart approach integrating useful variable loads with local renewable energy generation. ENBIO is a partnership project conceived by ALIenergy and Xanthella Ltd. to address multiple issues affecting rural Scotland.

The Scottish Green Energy Awards (2018)
Finalist in the Best Innovation Award
These awards showcase excllence in the renewables sector, celebrating the people, organisations and communities that are making significant contributions to shape the industry’s future. ALIenergy was a finalist for its Energy and the Bioeconomy (ENBIO) project.

Rushlight Awards (2018)
Winner of the Bioenergy Award
The Rushlght Awards are designed to support and promote the latest clean technologies, innovations, initiatives and deployment projects for businesses and other organisations throughout the UK, Ireland and internationally.
In February 2018 ALIenergy was proud to collect the Bioenergy Award for its work alongside Xanthella in developing Algal Solutions for Local Energy Economy (ASLEE). As one of 9 projects chosen for funding support from Scottish Government in the 2016 Local Energy Challenge Fund competition, this innovative study was the first of its kind in the world, giving Scotland a valuable technical lead in this field. It delivered photobioreactor capacity which made it the largest facility of its type in the UK and has since provided a valuable facility for investigating the potential of novel algal products at industrial scales.

The Engineer's Collaborate to Innovate Award (2018)
Finalist in the Energy, Efficiency and Sustainability category
Organisations nominated for these awards recognise the very best in UK collaborations and innvovations in engineering. The Energy and Environment Award is for projects, such as ALIenergy's Energy and the Bioeconomy (ENBIO) project, which are aimed at making more efficient use of our resources and protecting the environment.